Kirjasto / Bank with material and methodology

Kirjaston on koostanut Ekvalita ja sitä täydentää Miehet ry. Kirjasto elää jatkuvasti ja siihen saa ehdottaa teoksia ja linkkejä.


General relevant feminist theory and research on gender

Quantitative study
Gender Dichotomization at the Level of Ingroup Identity: What It Is, and Why Men Use It More Than Women, Jennifer Bossom (2013)

The Male in the Head, Young people, heterosexuality and power, Janet Holland & C. Ramazanoglu.


Masculinity theory 

Boyhood research – Poikatukimus (In Finnish)
Kivijärvi, Antti; Huuki, Tuija; Lunabba, Harry eds. 2018

with a Swedish review written by Nana Blomqvist.

On hegemonic masculinity and violence: Response to Jefferson and Hall. R.W Connell 2002

‘A multi-faceted power analysis of men’s violence to known women: From hegemonic masculinity to the hegemony of men’, Sociological Review, Vol. 60(4), 2012, pp. 589-610.

Men and Masculinities in Europe, Revised and Updated 2nd edition, with Pringle, Keith, Jeff Hearn, Harry Ferguson, Dimitar Kambourov, Voldemar Kolga, Emmi Lattu, Ursula Müller, Marie Nordberg, Irina Novikova, Elżbieta Oleksy, Joanna Rydzewska, Iva Šmídová, Teemu Tallberg, and Hertta Niemi, Whiting & Birch, London, Critical Studies in Socio-Cultural Diversity, 2013. 278 pp.

Handbook of Studies on Men and Masculinities, Co-editor with M. Kimmel and R.W. Connell, Sage, Thousand Oaks, Ca., 2005, 505 pp.

The Implications of Theoretical Debates on Masculinity for the Life Course, and Debates on the Life Course for Masculinity, special issue of NORMA: The Nordic Journal of Masculinity Studies, Vol. 2(1), 2007. 90 pp.

Transnational masculinity and cosmopolitanism

Men and Masculinities around the World: Transforming Men’s Practices, with E. Ruspini, B. Pease and K. Pringle, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2011.

Rethinking Transnational Men: Beyond, Between and Within Nations, with M. Blagojević and K. Harrison, Routledge, New York, 2013.

International Studies on Men, Masculinities and Gender Equality: An Emerging Focus of Research and Policy?, special issue, Men and Masculinities, Vol. 17(5), 2014.

Challenging Men and Masculinities: the Czech Context and Beyond, co-edited with I. Šmídová and I. Vodochodský, Gender, rovné přiležitotosti, výzkum [Gender, Equal Opportunities, Research], Vol. 16(1), 2015. 110 pp.


Research on sexual harassment

Submission to: ‘House of Commons: The Women and Equalities Committee Sexual harassment of women and girls in public places inquiry’, with M. Hall, 2018.

Revenge Pornography: Gender, Sexuality, and Motivations, with M. Hall, Routledge, London, 2017.   


Research on men and boys

Study on the Role of Men in Gender Equality, prepared for European Commission, edited by Elli Scambor, Katarzyna Wojnicka, Nadja Bergmann, Consortium led by L&R Social Research, with Dissens, Research Institute at Men’s Counselling Centre, abz*austria, INBAS, Written by Sophia Belghiti-Mahut, Nadja Bergmann, Marc Gärtner, Jeff Hearn, Øystein Gullvåg Holter, Majda Hrženjak, Ralf Puchert, Christian Scambor, Elli Scambor, Hartwig Schuck, Victor Seidler, Alan White and Katarzyna Wojnicka, Brussels, European Commission, 2013. 284 pp.

Sex and sexuality

Sexualities in Southern Africa, Co-editor with R. Morrell, D. Bhana and R. Moletsane Sexualities: Studies in Culture and Society, Sage, London, Vol. 10(2), 2007, 152 pp.

‘Men’s sexuality at work’, in A. Metcalf and M. Humphries (eds.) The Sexuality of Men, Pluto, London, 1985, pp. 110-128.


Research on violence

Ending Gender-based Violence: A Call for Global Action to Involve Men, with H. Ferguson, Ø.G. Holter, L. Jalmert, M. Kimmel, J. Lang, R. Morrell and S. de Vylders, SIDA, Stockholm, 2004, 126 pp. 

Studying Men’s Violences in Europe: Towards a Research Framework, with I. Novikova, K. Pringle et al., Örebro University CFS Report Series 25: 2013, Örebro, 140 pp. ISSN 1654-806X ISBN 978-91-7668-579-2

Violence and Gender Relations: Theories and Interventions, Co-editor with B. Fawcett, B.   Featherstone and C. Toft, Sage, London, 1996, 207 pp.

Sex, Violence and The Body: The Erotics of Wounding, with V. Burr, Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills and New York, 2008.

‘Making sense of men and men’s violence’, in L.Shipway (ed.) Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Brentwood, Anglia Polytechnic University, 1996, pp.15-19; Reproduced in L.Shipway (ed.) Interactive Domestic Violence Package, 1997 at: 


Porn and other forms of commercial sex

Unge, kjoenn og pornografi i Norden – Mediestudier [Young people, gender and pornography in the Nordic region – media studies], with A. Hirdman, M. Jyrkinen and S. V. Knudsen, Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers, 2007. TemaNord 2006:544.

Article on adolecents’ consumption on porn and their perception on the sexual act in real life (The article is in Icelandic, however, with an English summary at the end. There will be an English version at a later point, contact the authors of this article to receive information)


Written materials, articles


Masculinity in general


Poikien aivot ei sittenkään kehity hitaammin – Boys’ brains are not growing slower after all, studies show. Helsingin Sanomat.


Maskuliinisuus ja emotionaaliset resurssit


Poikatutkimus ja maskuliinisuus

Feministinen miestenlehti SAMU


Misogynia ja maskuliinisuus

Kiusaaminen, osa äijäkulttuuria?

Seksuaalinen häirintä kouluissa

#Metoo, maskuliinisuus ja miesten vastuukäsitys

#Metoo, maskuliinisuus ja miesten vastuukäsitys

Maskuliinisuus ja uravalinta

Maskuliinisuus ja intersektionaalisuus

Syrjäytyminen ja maskuliinisuus


Jämställdhetspolitik och män

Heder och maskulinitet

Mental hälsa och maskulinitet

Statistik – självdestruktivitet

Sexualitet och maskulinitet

Diskriminering och normkritiskt arbete

Maskulinitet och utsatthet

Män är problemet, men också lösningen

Varför domineras extremhögern av män?


Sluta inte bry er, men lita på att vi klarar av att skilja på fantasi och verklighet

Påverkas unga negativt av den porr de ser eller inte? Forskningen är oenig

Kommodifierad sexualitet – intimitet som handelsvara, Nya Argus


Unicef – Masculinities, Male Roles and Male Involvement in the Promotion of Gender Equality A Resource Packet

Psychology Has a New Approach to Building Healthier Men

A controversial set of guidelines aims to help men grapple with “traditional masculinity.”

Gender thinking among the current youth

How to be a good man: what I learned from a month reading the feminist classics


Visual materials (films)

The Mask You live in – a documentary about boys, men and masculinities

The Work – A film about Trauma work among men inside and outside of prison

Pallit ja Sydän

Hot Girls Wanted

Auditive materials (radio documentaries)

KIllsnack i omklädningsrummet

Barnaministeriet UR – Alla kollar på porr

Film och skola (många olika filmer om olika saker)

Broschyr – Det finns många sätt att ha sex


Methods and materials for educative staff and workshop leaders that work with children and adolescents/Youth work that can be used directly with the young target group 

Sexual Education

1.1. Visual materials (films)

RFSU, short films and attached educational material (in Swedish).

30 minutes animation about sex and anatomy for adolecents (Swedish)

The same animated film in Finnish (for the price of approximately 9 euros)

Kaikki mitä sinun tarvitsee tietää pillusta 


Guide materials for educators

WHO, Sexual Health, Human Rights and the Law


RFSU – Guide om pedagogik kring porr

RFSU – Klitorissex


Other materials (e.g educative brochures, or lecture planning)


The representation project


Fatta Man – filmer

Broder John om machokultur och killjargong

Idrott och maskulinitet

Pod – skammen över att vara man

Pop culture detective


UN Women – Barber shop He for She material

The Good Lad Initiative

Killmiddag – a concept where adult men gather to talk about things they possibly have not talked about before, such as instances of being vulnerable


Networks and organisations that work with masculinity in particular



Dare Gender


Poikien Talo


The Government of Iceland – The barbershop toolkit


Män För Jämställdhet

Locker Room talk


Men Engage